MASTER Ladislav Hodný
Ladislav Hodny was born on February 14th, 1943 in Týn nad Vltavou (Czech Republic). In the years 1958 – 1961 he graduated from Vocational School of Bookbinding in Nový Jičín and in the years 1961 – 1965 from Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Brno. Artist bega his career in the studio of his father Ladislav Hodný Sr. and he continues in this family tradition.
Between 1994 and 1999 he led a Bookbinding workshop at the graphics department at a private Master School of Art Design in Prague and for some time he also worked as a guest uni- versity teacher of bookbinding in the USA. Currently he is dedicated to painting, bookbinding, drawing, book illustration and free graphics. He belongs to the creators of Czech national values, as evidenced by the large number of exhibitions in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, but also abroad. He works are situated in many public and private co- llections. Ladislav Hodný got a number of recogni- tion and appreciation for his work. He is a member of the art, but also the bookbinding societies in our country, in England and in the USA as well. Book as a painting, painting as a book“.
Ladislav Hodný transfers motifs and techniques from book covers onto large surfaces and it is surprising how skilfu- lly he finds harmonious balance even in the pain- tings. He himself has said: „I just love to paint the large surface because in books I have had only the A4 or A3 sizes. It is a wonderful change.“ And he is absolutely free and self – confident in reaching new aims, his inner world is full of new possibili- ties of knowledge, he absorbs various stimuli and at the same time he keeps his own manifestation and style, following the ideas of lyrical abstraction in his peculiar approach he captures symbolic and mystic motifs in an indefinite space – time of his own world.

It is also possible to say that the central theme is a sign, the idea which controls the whole space here. Even though he has been interested in the possibilities of folding, plastic coverage in the form of almost dripping, scratching, craquelure, in- serting other media and their treatment into a who- le, often combined with gold foil, what is typical of him is the expressive colouring which reflects Hodný‘s personal views and feelings.
- 1975 – Award on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the liberation of Czechoslovakia
- 1977 – Award of the South Bohemian Regional National Committee in the competition of the Union of Civil Matters
- 1979 – Karel Šilinger Prize at the Triennial of Design Bookbinding, Karlovy Vary
- 1981 – Certificate of Merit for experimental bookbinding at the Triennial of Design Bookbinding, Brno
- 1982 – Certificate of Merit in the Most Beautiful Book of the Year competition
1987 – Certificate of Merit of the District National Committee for the development of culture - 1989 – Award of Lyra Pragensis, Kroměříž
- 2010 – Award of the Mayor of Trebišov for painting at the 3rd International Biennial of Painting and Sculpture V4, Trebišov, Slovakia
- 2010 – Award of the Hejtman of the Region of South Bohemia for the contribution in design bookbinding with respect to painting
- 2013 – Award of the Mayor of Týn nad Vltavou for lifelong artistic activities, with respect to the author’s promotion of visual arts and for outstanding contribution to the creation of a positive cultural image of the town of Týn nad Vltavou
- 1971 – Malá galerie, Čs. Spisovatel, Prague 1972 – Regional Library, České Budějovice (together with Jiří Müller)
- 1989 – Gallery V Loubí, České Budějovice (together with Jan Kanyza)
- 1990 Gallery D, Prague (together with Ladislav Hodný, sr.)
- 1995 – Gallery M, Luzern, Switzerland
- 1995 – Gallery ART CLUB, Týn nad Vltavou (together with Otto Sukup)
- 1997 – Town Gallery ART CLUB (together with Janem Kanyzou)
- 1997 – Helen Warren de Golver Triennial Exhibition and Award for American Bookbinding – Bridwell Library, (exhibition and lecture), Texas, USA
- 1998 – Gallery M, Luzern, Switzerland
- 1999 – Gallery, Milevsko
- 2000 – Gallery of St. Mark, Soběslav
- 2003 – Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou (exhibition commemorating the author’s 60th anniversary)
- 2004 – Nová výstavní síň, Chrudim
- 2004 – Gallery Radost, Kladno
- 2004 – Gallery Knížecí dvůr, Hluboká nad Vltavou
- 2005 – Gallery V zahradě, Kolín
- 2005 – Kapsch Telecom, spol. s. r. o., Prague
- 2005 – Czech Radio U Tří lvů, České Budějovice
- 2006 – Oskar Nedbal Theatre, Tábor2006 – Gallery Dolní brána, Prachatice
- 2006 – Municipal Museum, Kamenice nad Lipou
- 2006 – Hotel PUP, Karlovy Vary
- 2006 – Gallery WOLF, Liebenau, Rakousko
- 2006 – Oskar Nedbal Theatre, Tábor
- 2008 – Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce, Týn nad Vltavou (exhibition on the occasion of the author’s 65th anniver sary)
- 2009 – Lira, Český Krumlov
- 2010 – Gallery Nová síň, Prague
- 2010 – Gallery Epicure, Prague
- 2012 – Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce, Týn nad Vltavou
- 2013 – Museum of Moravian Slovakia, Uherské Hradiště 2013 – Gallery in St. Mark’s Church, Soběslav
- 2014 – Gallery Malšice
- 1966 – Prostějov Programme, Prostějov
- 1974 – South Bohemian visual artists on the 30th anniver sary of the liberation of Czechoslovakia, DíloČFVU České Budějovice
- 1974 – South Bohemian visual artists on the 30th anniver sary of the liberation of Czechoslovakia, Československý spisovatel, Prague
- 1975 – Art of Bookbinding, Třebíč
- 1975 – Visual artists on the 30th anniversary of the libera tion of Czechoslovakia, Prague
- 1977 – Fine bookbinding: From the works of the represen tatives of two generations of Czech fine bookbinding, Museum of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
- 1977 – Applied Art, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 1977 – International exhibition of Book Art, Ascona, Switzerland
- 1977 – Triennial of design bookbinding, Karlovy Vary
- 1978 – South Bohemian Visual Artists on famous anniversaries, Dům umění, České Budějovice
- 1980 – Visual Artists on the 35th anniversary of the liberation of Czechoslovakia, Prague
- 1980 – Das Handwerk des Buchbindes in der Vergangen heit und Gegenwart, Vienna, Austria
- 1981 – Exhibition of applied graphics, Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Prague
- 1981 – Triennial of design bookbinding, Brno
- 1982 – The most beautiful books of the year, Prague
- 1983 – Museum, Gödöle, Hungary
- 1983 – Triennale Internationale de la Relivre, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 1985 – Confession of life and peace, Prague
- 1985 – Confession of life and peace, Bratislava
- 1985 – 3rd Prix Paul Bonet, Ascona, Switzerland
- 1989 – Concours de reliurer décorées, Paris, France
- 1990 – Contemporary Czech Book, Mánes Gallery, Prague
- 1991 – International exhibition of bookbinding, Toulouse, France
- 1991 – Gallery K, České Budějovice
- 1992 – 7th Triennial of design bookbinding, Prague, Museum of Czech Literature
- 1993 – Exhibition of members of the Union of Creative Artists, Kladno Gallery
- 1995 – 2nd Auction Salon of Fine Artists, Bariéry charity, Karolinum, Prague
- 1995 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 1995, 22 Czech Graphic Artists, ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 1995 – 1st Triennial of Book Art, Martin, Slovakia
- 1996 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 1996, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 1996 – Gallery M, Luzern, Switzerland
- 1996 – Pictures, books, graphics, sculpture, Vienna, Austria (together with Jiří Kryštůfek)
- 1997 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 1997, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 1997 – Intersalón 97, Dům kultury Metropol, České Budějovice
- 1997 – Prix de L ́union Européenne de la Relivre d ́ART, SaintJeandeLuz
- 1997 – Zámeček Gallery, Příbram
- 1998 – Works by Czech Artists offered to the Charles University on the occassion of the 650th anniversary of its founding
- 1998 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 1998, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 1998 – Intersalon AJV 98, Dům kultury Metropol, České Budějovice
- 1998 – 4th Auction Salon of Fine Artists, Bariéry charity, Karolinum, Prague
- 1998 – International painting in plein air, Loket
- 1999 – Graphics of the year 19981999, Old Town Hall, Prague
- 1999 – Tribute to Jindřich Svoboda, Prague
- 1999 – Tribute to Jindřich Svoboda, Loket nad Ohří
- 1999 – Tribute to Jindřich Svoboda, Brno
- 1999 – Exhibition of the Union of Creative Artists, Kladno Gallery
- 1999 – Members’ exhibition of the Union of Czech Bookbinders, Loket nad Ohří
- 1999 – Galerie im Verwaltungsgericht, Wiesbaden, Germany
- 1999 – Salon of Applied Art, Výstaviště, Prague
- 2000 – Intersalon AJV 2000, Metropol, České Budějovice 2000 – Salon of Czech and Moravian painters and sculptors, Výstaviště, Litoměřice
- 2000 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2000, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 2000 – 5th Auction Salon of Fine Artists, Bariéry charity, Karolinum, Prague
- 2000 – International exhibition of bookbinding, Plzeň 2000 – Members’ exhibition of the Union of Creative Artists, Nová síň, Prague
- 2000 – Exhibition of bookbinding, U Sobotů Gallery, Loket nad Ohří
- 2001 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2001, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 2001 – Intersalon AJV 2001, Dům kultury Metropol, České Budějovice
- 2002 – Clapperboards, Minisalon, Česká galerie, Prague 2002 – Clapperboards, Minisalon, Galerie Viva, Zlín
- 2002 – Clapperboards, Minisalon, Akademia centrum, Zlín
- 2002 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2002, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 2002 – Intersalon AJV 2002, Dům kultury Metropol, České Budějovice
- 2003 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2003, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 2003 – Intersalon AJV 2003, Dům kultury Metropol, České Budějovice
- 2003 – The Hodný Family, Kulturní klub, Prostějov
- 2004 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2004, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 2004 – 7th Auction Salon of Fine Artists, Bariéry charity, Karolinum, Prague
- 2004 – Nová výstavní síň, Chrudim
- 2005 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2005, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 2005 – Intersalon AJV 2005, Jihočeské muzeum, České Budějovice
- 2005 – Welldone Paintings, Municipality of Planá nad Lužnicí
- 2005 – Original Christmas Present, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 2005 – 9th International Plein Air, Loket 2005
- 2006 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2006, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 2006 – Intersalon AJV 2006, Jihočeské muzeum, České Budějovice
- 2006 – 10th International Plein Air, Loket 2006
- 2006 – 15th International Art Plein Air, Horní Blatná
- 2006 – 15th International Art Plein Air, Schirnding, Německo
- 2006 – 15th International Art Plein Air, Zlatý klíč Museum, Karlovy Vary
- 2007 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2007, Town Gallery ART CLUB Týn nad Vltavou
- 2007 – 11th Plein Air, Loket nad Ohří
- 2007 – Gallery Mariet, Piešťany, Slovakia
- 2007 – Art symposium 2007, Všeradice
- 2007 – 16th International Art Workshop Milíře 2007
- 2007 – Bolek Polívka Theatre, Brno
- 2007 – International Painting and Sculpture symposium Spania Dolina
- 2007 – ART FOKOS EUROPA International Contemporary, Giechborg Bambers
- 2008 – Art Plein Air, Horní Blatná
- 2008 – Art symposium 2008, Všeradice
- 2008 – Painting and Sculpture symposium, MsKS Michalovce, Slovakia
- 2008 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2008, Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce Týn nad Vltavou
- 2008 – Collective exhibition of paintings, woodcut and ceramics, Kulturní dům Včelná
- 2008 – 9th Auction Salon of Fine Artists, Bariéry charity, Karolinum, Prague
- 2008 – International Art Symposium Držková 2008
- 2008 – International Painting and Sculpture Symposium, Michalovce, Slovakia
- 2008 – International Art Plein Air, Ukraine
- 2008 – Künstler aus 6 Lädern, Ausstellungshalle des Vereins Kunst im Hafe, Düsseldorf, Německo
- 2008 – Book Museum, Loket
- 2008 – Art Plein Air, Horní Blatná
- 2009 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2009, Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce Týn nad Vltavou
- 2009 – Spotkania Artystyczne, Sosnowiec, Poland
- 2009 – Plein Air Loket nad Ohří 2009
- 2009 – International Art Plein Air, Rachovo, Ukraine
- 2009 – CzechGerman Art Week, Schöneck, Germany 2009 – Designer Bookbinders International Competition 2009 – Art symposium Všeradice
- 2010 – International Art Symposium, Držková
- 2010 – Studio Hodný (Ladislav Hodný, Ladislav Hodný, jr., Lukáš Hodný) Nová síň, Prague
- 2010 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2010, Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce Týn nad Vltavou
- 2010 – 10th Auction Salon of Fine Artists, Bariéry charity, Karolinum, Prague
- 2010 – International Conference „Erdeli Reading“, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
- 2010 – International Art Plein Air, Zemplinská Šírava, Michalovce, Slovakia
- 2010 – International Art Symposium, Držková
- 2010 – International Painting Symposium, Hluboká nad Vltavou
- 2011 – Interart KüSchi“ Künstlertreffen dewr EUREGIO(N), Künstlerhaus Schirnding
- 2011 – International Painting and Sculpture Plein Air, Spania Dolina, Slovensko
- 2011 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou 2011, Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce Týn nad Vltavou
- 2011 – 3rd season of the International Symposium, Terchov Palette, Terchová, Slovakia
- 2011 – Vila Rustika, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 2012 – Studio Hodný (Ladislav Hodný, Ladislav Hodný, jr., Lukáš Hodný), Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce, Týn nad Vltavou
- 2012 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou
- 2012, Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce Týn nad Vltavou
- 2013 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou
- 2013, Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce Týn nad Vltavou
- 2014 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou
- 2014, Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce Týn nad Vltavou
- 2014 – 4th International Painting and Sculpture Symposium, Bělušské Slatiny
- 2015 – Union of Creative Artists 2015 – Current Works – Gallery Nová síň, Prague
- 2015 – International Art Symposium, Lehnice 2015
- 2015 – Art Courtyards of Týn nad Vltavou
- 2015 – 21st sea son, Town Gallery U Zlatého slunce, Týn nad Vltavou